Chatham County Line Recap

This past Thursday, we celebrated EFM owner Rob Lamble's birthday at the Woolfe Street Playhouse, listening to awesome tunes by local favorite Red Cedar Review and Raleigh Newgrass legends, Chatham County Line. We had been looking forward to this show for months and it was so much fun to see everything come together. The most rewarding part of our jobs is seeing all of our friends have a great time.  The night started off with Red Cedar Review, who majorly impressed everybody in the room. Among many highlights was this moment captured below:

After Red Cedar Review finished their set, Chatham County Line took the stage and started off by playing a very special Happy Birthday to Rob, in which everybody joined in.  When they began playing their music, jaws all over the Woolfe Street Playhouse dropped. The harmonies that CCL pulls off are otherworldly. It is safe to say that anybody who went in blind definitely left the show as a new and enthusiastic Chatham County Line fan. Here are a few of our favorite shots from the night:

Once the show was over, we had some serious celebrating to do. The EFM team & friends headed over to The Alley for a bowling extravaganza, and were shortly after joined by members of Chatham County Line and Red Cedar Review. We ate, we drank, we were merry and it was the perfect way to top off a lovely evening. Thank you so much to everybody who came out and supported live music! We love you all and can't wait to see you at the next one.